Martina Tauber Fine Art and DANTE Goods and Bads are both celebrating a DECADE this year!
On this occasion MTFA opens its salon for a very special exhibition – a dialogue between Art and Design. Dante will show a selection of new products that are presented on the occasion of the anniversary first time ever. MTFA will contribute an art concept in an experimental way.
Works on view:
Hansjoerg Dobliar
Günther Förg
Paul Hutchinson
Maureen Jeram
Wyatt Kahn
Aylin Langreuter
Stefan Lenhart
Maximilian Rödel
Michael Sailstorfer
Thomas Vinson
Björn Weltbrandt Wallbaum
Martin Wöhrl
Formagenda will illuminate the salon in a totally new glow!
And that’s it, friends! Now let’s all together drink to what has been and what’s to come.
DANTE Goods and Bads was founded in 2012 by artist Aylin Langreuter and industrial designer Christophe de la Fontaine.
The exhibition is illuminated by Formagenda. Thank you for the collaboration.
December 1, 2022 - February 11, 2023
Martina Tauber Fine Art, Munich