schönbuch. Salon | Milan Design Week | 2023

schönbuch. Salon | Milan Design Week | 2023

We are excited to present an exclusively curated art concept by Martina Tauber Fine Art for the schönbuch. temporary showroom at Milan Design Week 2023.

One of MFTA's favorite themes is Petersburg hanging, a design principle that highlights works of art - each work on its own, but also all as a unit.

Martina Tauber and Michael Daiminger have taken this idea of presentation a step further, and the result is the board SCENA - the first piece of their interdisciplinary Design Collective WESTWOOD MARBLE, founded in 2022.

The SCENA display system is WESTWOOD MARBLE’s debut piece for SCHÖNBUCH and ideal for showcasing books, artworks, interior accessories and everyday items.

Displayed artworks by:

Maureen Jeram
Aylin Langreuter
Grit Richter
Thomas Vinson
Peter Weber
Dandy Weltbrandt
Björn Weltbrandt-Wallbaum
Claudia Wieser
Martin Wöhrl

Photos by Fabian Frinzel
Colour Concept by Carolin Sangha, casa57

For inquiries regarding the artworks please contact us:

To order the boards, please take a look at: