Jean-Marie Appriou | Klaus vom Bruch | Tim Bennett | Andreas Chwatal | Sebastian Dacey | Michael Daiminger | Austin Eddy | Martin Fengel | Roland Fischer | Marius Glauer | Leonhard Hurzlmeier | Maureen Jeram | Ortwin Klipp | Maria Lalic | Mira Makai | Philipp Messner | Jack Pierson | Maximilian Rödel | Cindy Sherman | Jeremy Thomas | Weltbrandt | Martin Wöhrl
“Lost in Paradise” offers both utopian and dystopian views: Paradise is the perfect place, a place of longing, synonymous – in our culture at least – with a jungle-like garden of Eden. The images that are created in our minds include palm trees, empty sandy beaches, pristine, pure nature. In contrast to this paradisiacal primal state is the concept of “Lost”, of being lost. Linked to this is the immediate effort to find oneself in this state – a task of each individual for himself and society as a whole comparable to the current situation of the last 12 months. This state of “Lost in Paradise” offers an open space for opportunities to redefine oneanother in the loss.
Initiating the idea for the exhibition were the small-format works by Munich-based artist Weltbrandt: “little dirty paradise”, created in 2020. Weltbrandt captures the feeling of being stranded on a deserted island. On the one hand, the works can therefore be related to our own experiences of the immediate present. On the other hand, through the title, they also refer to an ecological dimension and our own responsibility. (Text: Dr. Verena Hertz)
With friendly support of: Galerie Renate Bender, Munich | Galerie Klüser, Munich | Knust/Kunz, Munich | Jo van de Loo, Munich | Galerie Walter Storms, Munich | Eva Presenhuber, Zürich
February 18, 2021 - April 30, 2021
Martina Tauber Fine Art, Munich